After taking up his new position and promotion on the 10th October 2020, Wg Cdr Cumming answers our questions:
What are you looking forward to in 2021?
A return to cadet activities and a chance to meet cadets, staff, and civcom in action!
How did you first get involved in the RAFAC? My son joined Air Cadets and as a willing parent I wanted to volunteer. He subsequently joined the RAF and became a Helicopter pilot.
What would we be surprised to know about you?
I grew up in South Africa where National Service was compulsory. I was called up for 2 years with the Army signals.
What is one RAFAC activity you haven't tried yet, but want to?
Why the RAFAC?
Here I found a shared passion for aviation and engineering with likeminded people of all ages.
Do you have a brief message for the cadets?
Constantly remind yourself of the RAFAC Aim and live by our Motto!
Thank you Sir